Your Advisor

kyokoKyoko Yoshizumi

CEO and Principal planner of Wealth Protection Australia Pty Ltd

Kyoko provides comprehensive wealth creation, management and protection strategies to busy people who haven’t got all their financial house in order.

She analysis her clients’ situation and their goals and dreams, and maps out strategies how they can achieve their dreams in the shortest period within their comfortable risk tolerance. She created her 5 step methodology to break down the complex financial concepts, making them simple and actionable.

She migrated to Australia in 2002, and over the last 10 years she devoted her time and energy to numerous charitable organisations as well as running her own businesses to accomplish her mission – that is to educate and help as many people as possible utilising her language and planning skills. She says ‘I realised being an immigrant is not weakness but strength, as I don’t use difficult terminologies but rather I use metaphor and stories to illustrate the most complex financial concepts so everyone can understand.’

She believes financial planners have power to change people’s lives, but many of the financial planners are influenced by associated financial institutions and they don’t have flexibility when it comes to choosing super platforms, investment funds, and insurance companies, which of course influence available strategies to the clients. In 2012 she left one of the biggest premier wealth management firms and set up her own independent financial planning company to provide better advice to more people.

She made a financial planning process easy and simple also she embraces technology, many of her busy clients saved time and money.

She focuses on financial literacy, so she runs wealth seminars and writes articles for few newspapers and websites, educating thousands of immigrants nationally.

She is currently a president of a non-profit organization called ANE – Association of New Elderly.

Website: and

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 03 9014 0678 and 0405 488 550