Sarah’s story

Sarah’s story:sara (2)

Life Insurance, Accident $1.5m

Who is Sarah?

At 37, Sarah was happily married to 38 year old farmer Craig, with two young children.

What happened to Sarah?

Sarah and her children were left devastated when Craig lost his life in a farming accident. Craig had primary responsibility for the day-to-day running of the farm, which left Sarah with limited income options. Thankfully, Craig had taken out a Life Insurance policy when Sarah was pregnant with their first child.

Where is Sarah now?

The lump sum from Craig’s Life Insurance policy enabled Sarah to relocate with her children to be near extended family. While life without Craig is hard, they have managed to start afresh without financial worry.


“Craig’s passing was the worst thing imaginable. Not only did I lose my husband and my children’s father, I was left with a farm I couldn’t manage and very little income. I am so grateful to Craig for taking out that life insurance policy. We were able to move nearer to my sister and parents and buy a house with no mortgage.”